22-SF-01 (français)

High harmonic generation emitted from ultra-relativistic plasma mirrors
Adrien LEBLANC (LOA, France) 09 may – 03 june 2022


The objective of this experiment at the APOLLON short focal area (SFA) is to perform a first proof of principle experiment of high harmonic generation (HHG) from plasma mirrors with laser intensities reaching 1021 W/cm2. Performing such HHG experiment is a real challenge in terms of accurate control of the laser-plasma interaction. This will be performed by using a double-plasma mirror (DMP) to clean the temporal contrast of ultraintense the laser pulse.
This application takes place in a larger project that aims at probing the nonlinear regime of quantum electrodynamics (QED), also called strong field (SF) QED, where an ultraintense field (above 1025 W/cm2) interacts with matter or (above 1027 W/cm2) interacts with the quantum vacuum, to produce electron-positron pairs. Relativistic plasma mirrors are to date one of the most realistic route to the production of light intensities above 1025 W/cm2 by compressing in space and time the energy of a laser pulse at a few 1021 W/cm2.
After the first proof of feasibility of HHG on the APOLLON PW-class laser infrastructure, a second application will be proposed for probing the SF-QED regimes with relativistic plasma mirrors.

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