22-SF-02 (english)

Laboratory nucleosynthesis investigations using ultra-bright laser-driven neutron sources
Julien FUCHS (LULI, France) 2-27 May 2022


Our endeavor is to open up laboratory nucleosynthesis investigations, in order to allow detailed and quantitative measurements of the cross-sections of nuclear reactions that are presently understood to lead to the creation of the heaviest (stable) elements in the Universe.
With the present experiment, we intend to pave the way for measurements of multiple neutron capture in the laboratory. This will take place through developing a laser-driven ultra-bright neutron source. As detailed in the proposal, the parameters of APOLLON have particular advantages to develop this beamline, namely using a simple thin foil as a proton accelerator, followed by a high-Z neutron converter exploiting the spallation process, and to finally demonstrate neutron capture in a Au foil. Here, using the presently-available F2 arm of APOLLON at the 1 PW level, we will undergo the first step toward reaching our goal, by demonstrating (i) the generation of an ultra-bright (> 1021 neutrons.cm-2s-1) neutron source, based on spectral and spatial measurements, and (ii) the generation of non-existing (in the natural environment) A+1 synthesised elements, namely Au.

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The embargo period is set to 3 years, beginning at the end of the experiment.
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