Selected project

Appel 2023

Intitulé de la campagne Proposant Identifiant
Investigation of the generation of high-Alfvénic-Mach-number shocks and of the associated ion energization using ultra-short laser pulse Julien FUCHS (LULI, France) 24-SF-02
Study of gamma-ray generation in high-intensity laser-plasma interactions with near-critical density foams Florian CONDAMINE (ELI-BeamLines, République Tchèque) 24-SF-03
Focusing of non-thermal electrons and simultaneous temperature measurement with application to fast ignition Ronnie SHEPHERD (LLNL, USA) 25-SF-01
Controlled injection and acceleration of multi-GeV electron beams in an optically field ionized plasma channel Cédric THAURY (LOA, France) 25-LF-01
Strong fields for high-energy electron beams Sébastien CORDE (LOA, France) 25-LF-02
Ionization dynamics beyond 1022W/cm2: fundamental physics & in-situ intensity characterization Sebastian MEUREN (LULI, France) 25-SF-02
Ion acceleration from ultra-thin foils with multi-PW laser pulses Marco BORGHESI (QUB, UK) 25-LF-03

Appel 2022

Intitulé de la campagne Proposant Identifiant
Fe Opacity in X-ray (FOX) Frédéric PEREZ (LULI, France) 23-SF-02
Nonlinear Inverse Compton Scattering from double-layer targets at Apollon 1PW Livia LANCIA (LULI, France) 24-SF-01
Generation of MeV radiation using Compton scattering Kim TA PHUOC (LOA, France) 23-LF-01
Laser-plasma accelerator using plasma mirror injector Adrien LEBLANC (LOA, France) 24-LF-01

Appel 2021

Intitulé de la campagne Proposant Identifiant
Génération d’harmoniques élevées émises par miroirs plasma ultra-relativistes Adrien LEBLANC (LOA, France) 22-SF-01
Investigations de nucléosynthèse en laboratoire à l’aide de sources de neutrons ultra-brillantes générées par laser Julien FUCHS (LULI, France) 22-SF-02
Grazing incidence scheme for proton acceleration Marco BORGHESI (QUB, UK) 22-SF-03
Génération par laser de faisceaux de positrons de haute qualité à l’échelle du GeV Gianluca SARRI (QUB, UK) 22-LF-01
Accélération d’électrons multi-GeV dans un guide plasma contrôlé optiquement Cédric THAURY (LOA, France) 22-LF-02