
Since 01/01/2020, IR* APOLLON is operated by the CNRS and the École Polytechnique. At the end of the Projet Cilex (Equipex Cilex), four members become observing partners: CEA, ENSTA, IOGS and SOLEIL. These partners continue, with the CNRS and the École Polytechnique, the development of IR* APOLLON thanks to their scientific contribution. The operators CNRS and École Polytechniqu eare decision-makers, namely in communication.


IR* APOLLON has a decision-making body (Board of Directors) and an executive body (the Direction). The users’ scientific community is present, with recognized experts, in three advisory committees:

Scientific Committee (SC). Composed of 6 members from French laboratories and 6 international members, the SC contributes to the IR* APOLLON’s development of the scientifics et technicals orientation in an international context.
Technical Committee (TC). Composed of 8 members including 7 international members, the TC is responsible for advising the Board of Diectors and the SC on the continuation of the construction phase, and to propose technical evolutions on laser sources, instrumentation, experimental rooms and proximity technological needs.
Program Commitee (PC). Composed of 6 members from French laboratories and 6 international members, the CP’s mission is to evaluate and rank of research project application judged feasibles (expert and external) with some observations about project’s quality and goals.

The access to IR* APOLLON’s beam time can be summarize as follows:

External time: on international Call Of Proposals (COF) – minimum 70% of access days open to users.
Temps expert: on COF reserved for parties (CNRS, École Polytechnique) and partners (CEA, ENSTA, IOGS, SOLEIL) of the agreement – maximum 20% of access days open to users .
Development time: decided by IR* APOLLON’s director, for example to honor a collaboration contract– maximum 10% of access days open to users.
This distribution of 70%, 20% et 10% can be reviewed annualy.