APOLLON research infrastrucutre (IR*) is a laser facility listed on the 2021 French National Roadmap of the Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation (MESRI). It is under the supervision of Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) and École polytechnique. The IR* APOLLON is dedicated to realization of ultra-high intensity laser physics experiments.


APOLLON is a Research Infrastructure (RI) designed to reach an exceptional multipetawatt laser peak power. It allows new areas of research and it offers experimental rooms and instrumentation technologies on the cutting edge.

Virtual visit

A virtual tour of the entire installation is available here. This virtual tour can be done either by using the pre-defined routes, or by navigating through the facility as is done with the GOOGLE Maps application. It allows you to understand the organization of the installation.


APOLLON RI has a decision-making body and an executive body. The community of users is represented on three Advisory Committees: Scientific (SC), Technical (TC) and Program (PC).

Illustration gouvrenance