Scientific committee

The Scientific Committee is in charge of developing the scientific and technical orientations of IR* Apollon. It also formulates opinions and recommendations to the board of directors. Its main mission is :
– The evaluation of the quality of the scientific results obtained by users.
– Analysis of the national and international role of IR* Apollon as a host infrastructure for the scientific and industrial community.
– Analysis and assessment of the needs expressed by users to the director of IR* Apollon.
– Assessment of the needs for instrumental developments.
– The drafting of recommendations on possible improvements to be made to the installations and on the procedure for allocating time to IR* Apollon users.

The Scientific Committee is made up of eleven members: six members from the French scientific community and five members from the international scientific community.
– M. COLLIER John, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford (Grande Bretagne),
– M. CORDE Sébastien, Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée LOA, Palaiseau (France),
– Mme COUPRIE Marie-Emmanuelle, CEA, synchrotron SOLEIL, Saclay (France),
– M. FALCONE Roger, University of California, Berkeley (Etats-Unis),
– M. GEORGES Patrick, CNRS, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Palaiseau (France),
– M. JAROSZYNSKI Dino, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (Ecosse),
– M. WEBER Stefan, ELI-Beamlines, Prague (République Tchèque),
– M. MARTIN Philippe, CEA, IRAMIS, LIDYL (France),
– M. NAM Chang Hee, Institute of Science and Technology,
Gwangju (Corée du Sud),
– Mme PASCARELLI Sakura, European XFEL, Hambourg (Allemagne)