Apollon Research infrastructure Opening

16 September 2021 par séverine bouquin [TheChamp-Sharing]
Apollon Research infrastructure Opening

This Tuesday March 23 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. took place the “APOLLON OPENING” WEBINAR, bringing together more than 100 participants representing the international community of future users of the Apollon Research infrastructure. During this Webinar, the laser performances on target, the experimental rooms made available for this first year of opening were presented in detail. Access rules and the mission profile were also able to be presented and discussed.

This webinar also provided the opportunity to present the virtual tour of the research infrastructure available here.

All of the presentations made during this webinar are available here.

This webinar also introduced the call for projects which will be published by the end of March 2020.

In June 2020, the CNRS awarded a Cristal Collectif to part of the Apollon project team for the year 2020 for the passage of the so-called 1PW milestone with the achievement of a shot at 22.6 Joules and 21.5 fs.
The CNRS Cristal Collectif distinguishes teams of men and women, research support staff, who have carried out projects whose technical mastery, collective dimension, applications, innovation and influence are particularly remarkable. This distinction rewards the Laboratoire d’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses (LULI UMR 7605) which since 2011 has first developed and then implemented the laser for the Apollon research infrastructure.
The first and last names of the winning agents are as follows:
François MATHIEU (project manager), Dimitrios PAPADOPOULOS (laser installation manager), Jean-Michel BOUDENNE (design office manager), Luc MARTIN (laser operations manager), Audrey BELUZE (laser compression manager), Antoine FRENEAUX (laser amplification manager) ), Nathalie LEBAS (front end manager), Fouad ELHAI (mechanical design), Jean Philippe DELANEAU (vacuum and safety manager), Daniel CAVANNA (electronics, motorization).
Through them, it is not only all the staff of the various technical teams of LULI, permanent or CDD, who contributed to this achievement, but also the staff of partner laboratories who were involved in the realization of this project since its inception in 2007, whose work and excellence are recognized.


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